🐞 Hi I am πŸ’ƒ

Julia Bestgen

Frontend Developer, based in Germany.

Life is a journey.

There were times when I envied everyone who already knew as a kid what he wanna become as a grown-up. When people asked me what I want to become, they might have gotten answers like a secret agent or a famous wrestler. One of my teachers once replied that those might not be real jobs. It didn't impress me much.

I might have been a dreamer, and indeed my seemingly limitless imagination enabled me to write stories and short books. Stories about private detectives solving tricky riddles, stories about friends fighting through fantasy worlds. Another thing I always loved are languages. I tried French, Russian, Arabic and some more and found it always fun. So it happened that I found myself studying Islamic science and learning the beautiful Arabic language and scripture.

After some personal rollercoaster experiences in my twenties, I focused my energy on inner development and physical and mental strength. This journey led me through monasteries and dance floors, through solitude and connectedness. And I always knew, once I have followed this path, there will come a time to focus on my job issue again, with all the energy and enthusiasm it deserves. After completing a two-year yoga teacher program, I followed my strengthened intuition and started an online coding workshop.

After finishing all workshops offered by SheCodes, I applied for the Masterschool Web Development bootcamp. The whole process of diving into coding made me feel like Alice, entering that rabbit hole. And I am still somewhat down that hole, making my way through the coding jungle, connecting to amazing people, and starting to get used to that new colorful life.

Coding perfectly combines my passion for languages and writing, for creativity and riddle-solving and endless imagination.

In the last decade I gathered a lot of valuable experience in distinct jobs like retail trade, quality management and healthcare organization, as well as several side jobs. Till recently I have been working in an amazing team which I am sad about leaving, but for some time now I felt the urge for a career shift, for not only having a great team but also more demanding tasks that would allow me to develop my technical and creative skills. My future vision was about a workplace where people work together as a team, a workplace where I not only feel comfortable but can also bring in my passion for coding and web development, my love for people and the environment, as well as my enthusiasm to always learn new things, grow personally, and professionally and thrive together.

I am so happy that I have finally found that place! I started my first job as a software developer at adesso insurance solutions in March 2023! πŸ₯³πŸ’œπŸ‘©β€πŸ’»

Life is a journey.

Julia Bestgen Julia Bestgen